Rinsing off the net with fresh, clean water and storing the net standing upright for more extended periods will keep the net crisper. Rinsing with fresh water is especially recommended if you fish in saltwater.
RS Nets USA receives many Pro Staff sponsorship requests annually and is only able to fulfill a limited amount. Therefore, our company is no longer able to accept applications for this upcoming season. We will re-open submission for next season on September 1st, 2020.
Please check back at that time. We thank you for your interest in RS Nets USA.
In case you are wondering what we will be looking for, here is a guideline and tips for an application:
- Include contact information such as email address, phone number Shipping Address (for shipping product, no P.O. boxes).
- We are looking for content that fits our brand, so include a photo, video, blogs, or other content that is marketable for us as a company.
- Where do you fish, what do you fish for, and how often do you go?
- Tournament Experience or Achievements
- List any other Current Sponsors (Include at least one Reference)
- Website, if applicable
- Tell us about your audience, and it’s size—Social Media account (Facebook Page, Twitter Profile, YouTube Channel, etc.), Clubs, teams, etc. Keep in mind that for you to appear valuable for us to invest in you, we are looking for a big following.
If you are a guide/charter business, we understand that you would like to have good, solid equipment on your boat. We offer 20% of your net order if you place the order through an Authorized Dealer in your area.
We purposely don’t take these orders directly to encourage good relationships between charters/guides and their local bait shops. A valid vendor license and Federal Tax ID is required to qualify for the program. RS Nets USA is entitled to ask for further verification if necessary.
Click here to find your closest Authorized Dealer.
If there are no Authorized Dealers in your state, please contact one of our online dealer—they might be able to give you the same deal.
We do our best to sponsor fishing events and tournaments throughout the year and will happily take requests for sponsorship.
When you apply, keep in mind that as a company, we will be interested in knowing about how many people will be attending the event and how sponsors will be promoted.
We built every order from scratch, which means all sales are final. However, in case of a mess up in the order or if the net has not been used and is still in its original packaging, we might be able to make an exception.
Since, we sell our products through dealers, so we recommend your first step would be to get in contact with the store that sold you the net.
To return an item, it needs to be unused and in a saleable condition. If you want to return the item due to a warranty, please see our Warranty Policy on how to file a claim.
If you are in doubt, choose one-inch netting.
We offer both one and two-inch netting for all of our nets, but naturally, two-inch netting is more popular on our largest nets. Two-inch nets are a little bit lighter than one-inch, and will also have less drag.
However, two-inch netting is not as versatile as one-inch netting. One-inch netting won’t let smaller fish fall through. At the end of the day, it is a matter of preference.
We wish we could offer free shipping. Due to the size of our nets, shipping is always pricey, and as a matter of fact, we rarely recover the cost of shipping with our shipping charges.